ALO- Becoming a Light of Leadership

By Mallory Olivier

As our days in Media Programming fly by (literally, it feels like Tuesday was the first day of class), I can only think about the amazing opportunity Rebecca, Latifah and I have been given.

African American Leadership Organization is an organization with such potential and passion, its almost intimidating sometimes when starting from scratch. This organization is going from the ground up, at full speed. Even just yesterday, use three girls were put onto an email feed of about 30 key African American leaders in the Central Texas community. WOW. Scary? YES. Especially when we realized people like Walter Abercrombie and Ken Hampton were responding to an email I had originally only sent Ramona about the beginning phases of their logo.

As we have continued this journey to building ALO from the ground up, our group has so many goals, we wish this project didn’t end in a few short weeks. By the time October 17 rolls around, we plan to have accomplished these goals:

  • Establish all social media platforms for ALO, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We hope to educate their social media representative on other platforms including Hoot Suite, Pinterest, Instagram and Klout so when they are ready to add more connections, they can immediately begin working on it.
  • Establish a solid foundation for ALO, including a clear mission statement, an effective  brand and logo and also a series of flyers and brochures to help them continue the solidification of their foundation as a new organization, working for non-profit status.
  • Establish the knowledge of ALO in the Central Texas community, encouraging those interested to seek out information and become involved.
  • Establish a detailed public relations campaign, filled with a mock budget, design elements, PSA’s, flyers/brochures, feature stories and also background information of the organization. We hope through this campaign, ALO can continue to uphold the logo and efforts we have established once our time with this organization is done.

I see so much potential in ALO. I will even be sad if Ramona doesn’t ask for our help post-October 17. I cannot wait to hear about this organization in the local news and see how much growth and stability it forms in a community with such passion and drive.

ALO Logo

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